It’s Here!

Sorry for the excitement, but my mail just came and I am so excited!  I told you that I had been asked to do a review of the book The Heirloom Life Gardener by Jere and Emilee Gettle, well it arrived in my mail today!  I am so going to be reading on this all weekend now.  In fact, I have to take my oldest son to a Dr appointment today to have his ears checked out(he says they’re hurting him) which means I can take it with me and get a head start! 

This almost has me as excited as someone telling me they were going to let me have a day out by myself!  And to put that into perspective I seriously cannot remember the last time I got to go anywhere or do anything by myself.  I am serious here.  Even grocery shopping is done with one or all of my monkeys!  That is how extremely excited I am about this book and doing this review!!

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