30 Day Fitness Challenge -Day 3

It really doesn’t seem like it should be Wednesday already but it is.  So Day 3 of the Challenge has come and gone.  Reflecting back I think I did an alright job of it, but we’ll see what you think!

The challenges for day 3 were different than the past two days so here they are.

Challenge 1 was to park the furthest from the door.  On a normal day I do not go anywhere that I need to park.  I’m a stay at home mom so I don’t get out a lot.  But I did have to go to the doctor yesterday so I did take the opportunity to park the absolute farthest away.  I normally park further than most, but not at the absolute far reaches if I have the kids with me.   When I go shopping with my little ones we park right next to a shopping cart parking spot so that I don’t have to leave the kids alone in the van.

Challenge 2 was to spend 5-10 minutes doing the suggested ab exercise or your own workout.  Well I did 50 situps for that.  I didn’t time it just did all that I could do.  It was interesting.  I had Colin sitting on my feet(the kids wanted to help) with Fionna bouncing on my stomach.  But it was fun to situp and kiss that adorable face and watch her giggle.  Make me sad my muscles couldn’t handle more.  I think I’ll have to work more on those!

Challenge 3 was the flexibility challenge.  They suggested yoga but I spent the 5 or more reps time doing stretches.  The big girls wanted to help so we pretended we knew ballet and did their stretches.  I really need to work on flexibility.  I used to be so flexible, but somehow over the years it’s gone away.

Challenge 4 was the nutritional challenge.  We eat all our meals together as a family so this was a bit of a challenge as the challenge was to eat a meal with no distractions, not talking, no tv.  We don’t allow the TV on when eating.   I did not meet this challenge.  Something about 8 kids all being quiet through a meal just isn’t happening at this house!

Challenge 5 was the mind and body challenge having you set a specific time to worry.  Well I don’t need to worry.  Worrying is one of the things that I have challenged myself to not be doing rather to give it over to God instead. 

Now meals.  I had a green smoothie for breakfast, we had apples for morning snacks, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on my homemade bread with sweet potato chips and yoghurt for dinner, peanut butter and celery for  a snack, and for supper we had chef’s salad.

Want to see what Kandi is up to for day 3?  Go on over to Gluten Free For Jen and check it out!!

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